【White Canvasカンボジア】C41
¥330,000 税込
ホワイトキャンバスは、日本を含むアジアのアーティストとその作品を通じて、お互いの国を知り、 個人個人がファンとなって繋がり、 文化的、歴史的、宗教的背景を共有するアジアがひとつになることで、 平和の礎を創ることに繋がることを目指しております。
White Canvas aims to create a foundation for peace by connecting Asian artists, including those from Japan, with each other through their artwork and by connecting individuals as fans, bringing Asia, which shares cultural, historical, and religious backgrounds, together.
In 2023, the fourth year of the project, we will have a secretariat in Thailand, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, and Laos, and we will hold an art award once a year in each country. The best works will be put on the blockchain and the artists will receive a semi-permanent reward.
WHITE CANVAS https://whitecanvas.pro/
¥330,000 税込